Dear Editor,
While vacationing on Ambergris Caye, I read the April 16, 2015 print issue of The San Pedro Sun. I do not often write to the Editor but I felt compelled to add my support to the Editorial section of this issue [If You Don’t Like it Go Somewhere Else] and the folks that spoke up, including the Editor. It takes courage to speak up and I applaud the effort.
Ambergris Caye has so much to offer BUT it is at risk if city officials, as well as merchants and residence, do not pay attention to the unregulated development and limit size of building structures to fit the island’s flair. For an economy that is overwhelmingly supported by tourism, you are on the brink of losing the quaint nature of the “island life” that tourist are seeking. I was surprised by the congested traffic, limited parking and unavailable pedestrian areas. While I do not wish to offend, what a tourist sees when driving down Back and Middle streets is very unappealing and not “quaint” at all. As a tourist, I can find another destination to visit, although I do not want to at this time.
I encourage others to speak up and get involved. Please do something before it is too late.
/s/ Barbara
Madison, WI, USA

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