Submitted By Lisa Anderson
In a somber yet celebratory ceremony, San Pedro’s own “Son of British Honduras,” the late Sir Barry Bowen, was honored by a former British Member of Parliament on Friday, January 9, at the Cathedral Church of St. John in Belize City, when a specially forged plaque was unveiled on the wall of the historical church. Lady Dixie Bowen, Sir Barry’s widow, welcomed and thanked Sir Edward du Cann, along with members of the Bowen family who read scripture or made memorial speeches detailing Sir Barry’s contributions to the economic, industrial, social, and political growth of Belize. From the Prayer of Dedication over the Memorial: “We raise this Memorial Plaque to stand as a reminder of the life of our brother, Sir Barry Bowen. May it stand as a lasting symbol of his love for his family, his Church, and the country he served so well.”
Officiated by Rt. Rev. Phillip Wright, Lord Bishop of Belize, the ceremony was attended by Belize’s First Lady Kim Simplis Barrow, and many members of the political and business community of Belize. There are only 20 plaques affixed to the walls of St. John’s Cathedral, ranging from 1777 to the present, honoring pioneers and statesmen who have supported the growth from British Honduras to contemporary Belize. Sir Barry, long-time resident of San Pedro, met an untimely death in an airplane crash on February 26, 2010. He left a strong legacy of successful businesses, schools, land preserves and agriculture in the Orange Walk District, state-of-art-shrimp farming near Placencia, and loving family members and friends.
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