San Pedro Red Cross captured three awards at the second annual Belize Red Cross Volunteer Encounter and Awards Ceremonies held on Saturday, December 13th and Sunday, December 14th in Belmopan. The event is held to bring together Red Cross members from across the country and honor exemplary members. The San Pedro delegation included 17 youth members and eight adults.
The first day of events saw participants partaking in various activities including several skill training workshops. The youth members engaged in fun game activities aimed at skill and team building. Seminars were also offered by special guests Khrista Jones from the Center for Community Resource Development, Dr. Javier Novelo and Nurse Patricia Norrise for the Kolbe Foundation Belize Central Prison. Members of Youth as Agents of Behavioral Change provided valuable information on building safe and strong neighborhoods by empowering, promoting awareness, building capacities and teaching skills in youth.
The award ceremony was held in the second day and it acknowledged volunteers for their hard work throughout the year. Shirlee Arnould received the Health Leadership award. Gian Rivero was the recipient of the Youth award and Laurie Norton received the Outstanding Volunteer award for the second year in a row. The event was a great learning experience for all members, and they certainly look forward to the next one.
Congratulations to the award winners and big thanks to the San Pedro Red Cross on their work on the island! To become a member or to volunteer your time to this valuable organization on the island, contact Laurie Norton at [email protected].

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