November’s Officer of the Month Award went to Police Constable (PC) 1443 Hector Blanco who was honored during a short ceremony on Tuesday, December 2nd. PC Blanco works as the administrative assistant at the San Pedro Police Department and was thrilled to be the recipient of the Officer of the Month award. At the ceremony, Deputy in Charge of San Pedro Police, Inspector Henry Jemmott and General Manager of Fido’s Courtyard, Brian Cook presented PC Blanco with several tokens of recognition for his hard work.
PC Blanco has been serving in San Pedro for the past two years. According to Inspector Jemmott, although PC Blanco is one of the officers that is not often seen by the community, his role plays a crucial part in the smooth running of the station. “PC Blanco works as one of our administrative staff. He plays several roles in the station and has several tasks to do on a daily basis. PC Blanco is our computer specialist, technician, clerk, and even secretary. He ensures that everything is ready for police officers to charge criminals and that cases are well prepared. Overall, his assistance to the police is essential,” said Jemmott. For his hard work and dedication, PC Blanco was awarded. “He is the most efficient and dedicated police officer in our station. His is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure everything is done right. He doesn’t even complain about doing tasks that are not his own duties. For this and many more reasons we awarded him. On behalf of the entire San Pedro Police Department, I congratulate him,” said Jemmott.
As Officer of the Month, PC Blanco received an Andriod tablet courtesy of the North Ambergris Caye Neighborhood Watch under the command of Steve Spiro, dinner for two at Fido’s Restaurant and Bar courtesy of Brian Cook, $100 cash courtesy of Caye Management, a certificate of recognition and a plaque that will be placed in the police station. “Fido’s is proud for sponsoring hard working officers. Congratulations PC Blanco. Keep up the hard work and continue doing your best,” said Cook.
PC Blanco gratefully accepted the gifts. “This is truly an honor for me. This is my second award in the department. This award goes to show that no small task goes unnoticed; everything done within the police department, even the paper work, is important. I would like to thank my superiors, especially Inspector Jemmott and Superintendent Castellanos. Special thanks to my family and friends for their continued support. I hope to continue to grow in the department as much as possible and create a change for the betterment of the police,” said PC Blanco.

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