Police Constable Juan Choc Community Officer and Woman Police Constable Veralina Rivas have just attended the 17th National Youth Cadet Corp. Summer Camp that was held from July 19th to 26th in Benque Viejo del Carmen with eight local San Pedro cadets and the other cadets from around the country. The cadets that attended from the San Pedro group were:
Derwayne Meigha, age 11
Zailan Reneau, age 12
Francis Auila, age 10
Jake Anderson, age 10
Luis Edwards, Age 10
Daylon Meighan, age 9
Jamal Polanio, age 10
Jabel Martinez, age 11
The camp involved lectures on decision making and peer pressure as well as exercises in team building. They experienced field trips to ancient ruins Xunantunich and Cahal Pech, Spanish Lookout’s Western Dairies and the cave system Che Chen Ha. They practiced foot drills and earned badges such as fitness award, family living award and citizenship award. Badges are needed to get promoted within the ranks of the cadet program. They were also separated into different groups to interact with different children to learn about different cultures.
The San Pedro Cadets received a certificate of participation in 17th National Youth Cadet Corp Summer Camp. The San Pedro Youth Cadet Program is sponsored by San Pedro Town Foreman Freddie Gonzalez, Deputy Mayor Gabriel Nunez, Officer in Charge Luis Castellanos, and Sotherby’s International Realty. For any children interested in joining the program parents should call Gabriel Nunez at 605-0976.
San Pedro Police Youth Cadet attend 17th National Youth Cadet Corp. Summer Camp

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