Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 was a nice cloudy day for the SMART River Challenge at National Agriculture and Trade Show. This year’s race had thirteen entries in seven categories. The uniqueness about this race is that all paddlers had to stand outside their canoe and at the sound of the start they jumped in their sitting position and paddle off.
Completing the race in 2:06:00 was Westrac Stingers – Jerry Cante, Allen Cruz, Hener Cruz – to take first place in the Male Category. Only seven seconds behind was Jerry Rhaburn, Wilberto Daniels and Chris Guydis of the Ziprider / Guydis Canoes team sponsored by Cruise Solutions and Guydis Canoes to take second overall position. Finishing in fourth overall was the Belize Bank Bulldogs – Amado Cruz and Armin Lopez rounding up the Male Category.
The Intramural Category, Western Home Supplies – Armando Lopez, Byron Cruz and Alfred Lopez – took first honors and third overall in a time of 2:06:24. Second place Intramural and seventh overall was Turd’z – Elvis Sutherland, Glenford Sutherland and Hector Bejerano – sponsored by Raymond Woods.
The Mixed Category – Eric Cano, Francisca Pfaender and Erwin Cruz of Team Gerber / Guana sponsored by Judd and Kelly Gerber won that category at fifth overall position at time 2:10:50. Immediately behind them for sixth overall position was “Wateva Boyz and a Girl” – Jesus Linares, Jayda Guydis and Sergio Lopez – sponsored by D & D Consultancy.
Weh Dem Deh – Kubuli paddled by BDF Officers – Miguel Guerra Daniel Harris and Jesus Cruz – was first in the Pleasure Category and eighth overall completing the route in 2:17:00. Print Belize / Wrobel & Co. comprised of Rudolph Gentle, Timoteo Vanegas and Kylan Hyde – was twelfth overall.
Ninth overall was Tropic Air – Jeffery Seguro, Martin Gideon, and Matthew Mask – finishing in 2:18:00 taking first position in the Juniors Category. Second place in this category and tenth overall was self-sponsored AFM – Carlos Linares, Feliz Neal and Alexander Cruz finishing three minutes later.
Serve The People – Jane Usher, Bobby D Usher and Ruth Cruz – sponsored by the Rt. Hon. Said Musa was first in the Female Category finished in 2:35:00 in thirteenth overall position. The Masters Category saw Grumpy Old Men – Jerry Wilken, Stanley Bailey and Joe Seguro – sponsored by Caribbean Engineering taking first in that category and eleventh overall at 2:22:00.
All 1st Place teams in each category received a trophy, medals and $150 cash, 2nd Place teams received medals and $75 cash, 3rd Place teams received medals only.
Special thanks to SMART for their continued sponsorship of this race, thanks to the National Agriculture and Trade Show Committee and thanks to LoveFM.
Next Race: May 18th, open race, More Tomorrow Village Day 221st Anniversary Celebration.

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