Dear Editor:
Contrary to an assertion in a letter to The Editor in last week’s The San Pedro Sun, the San Pedro Sailing Club (SPSC) is definitely a different organization from the San Pedro Junior Sailing Club (SPJSC.) The SPSC was founded by Andrew Milner over three years ago and is still headed by him as the Commodore, and the SPJSC was organized and registered by Tammy Peterson and Alan Usher, an original founder and former secretary of the Belize Sailing Association (BzSA).
The San Pedro Sailing Club operates from Caribbean Villas Hotel and continues to fulfill its mission of offering sailing lessons free of charge to island children (and adults) from all walks of life under the direction of commodore Andy Milner, an experienced sailor and BzSA certified sailing instructor. The original 7 boats purchased by a group of sponsors for the use of SPSC under Andy Milner have been in the possession of the SPJSC. Since the SPJSC has now received its shipment of 12 new boats, the sponsors of the original 7 boats have requested that these boats be returned to the SPSC.
The primary focus of the SPSC is recreational sailing for the whole family. The club meets on weekends for fun racing and family sailing outings and weekdays for sailing instruction and practice. Caribbean Villas Hotel also provides daily water activities which are made available to SPSC members.
If anyone would like more details about the division of the two separate clubs, becoming a member of the SPSC, sponsoring the SPSC or signing up for free sailing lessons, please take a look at our website: or message us at our Facebook page: San-Pedro-Sailing-Club.
San Pedro Sailing Club Executive Committee

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