Mama Vilma’s Family Home hosted three events in May in their ongoing fundraising efforts to assist the less fortunate children and women of the island. A grand total of $5,771.30 BZ was raised from the two concerts featuring Karen Waldrup and Ashlee K. Thomas, as well as the Mother’s Day Fashion Show. The two concerts combined raised a total of $2,603.50 BZ and the Fashion Show raised $3,167.80.
The committee members of the Mama Vilma’s Family Home would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to Karen Waldrup, Ashlee K. Thomas and their manager Steven Knapp for providing their services free of charge, to Wet Willy’s Restaurant and Bar and Cowboy Doug’s Pool Bar and Grill for hosting the concerts, to Family Fitness Club for hosting the Fashion Show, and to all the models and boutiques that offered their time and outfits for the Fashion Show freely and generously.
Shelly Huber, one of the founders of the organization, also expressed great gratitude to the business community for their constant support, donating to every event. Community members are also thanked for constantly supporting in every way they can: donating clothes, school supplies and other much needed items to assist those in need – many of whom Huber and family tend to directly under the watchful eye of Social Services. Thanks to a strong relationship with similar, established organizations on the mainland, such as Mary Open Doors, special cases are relocated to rece9ive the care and help they need. This only drives Huber and her committee, made up of hard-working people who all have one goal: to build a home for the many families and individuals to receive the help they so desperately need.
Those interested in making a donation to this worthy cause may contact Mrs. Shelly at phone number 651-3353.