There has been a significant growth in programs geared to providing healthy activities to children in San Pedro. Carolyn Kumar and her husband Surendra Kumar, along with Natalie Arceo have come together to create a youth choir for the children of San Pedro that will be run under the Roman Catholic Church. A form of creative expression, choir will ensure that the members will enjoy vocal lessons and other basic techniques which will assist them to become either a singer or musician.
According to Arceo music, is a strong form of worship and it is a great value to instill in our youth, “It’s not just singing, but to know the purpose of each hymn that is sung. When you sing…your prayers are twice as strong!”
The choir is an excellent way to get young people off the streets and out of harmful environments, while giving them an alternative form of entertainment that is practical, entertaining and creative. Natalie will put her own flair to basic church songs and turn them into contemporary joyful melodies.
Anyone, ten years and up, with a strong love of music who would like to learn more about their faith while growing as singers can contact those directly in charge via email at [email protected] or [email protected], or at telephone number: 631-2272. Parents are especially encouraged to consider this dynamic group as an option for their children.