It appears that our newly elected Town Council has “hit the ground running” with a noticeable effort to get things done on La Isla Bonita. Since the swearing in of our new Mayor Daniel “Danny” Guerrero and council members in mid March, it seems that each week The San Pedro Sun has something good to report on the progress made by this new, energized town council. From a traffic safety awareness program, to bridge repairs, a new Culture Committee, an island clean-up campaign, meeting with classrooms, new office hours where they stay open over the lunch hour, to liaising with UNICEF, assessing water access for the fire department and securing land for a hospital, there has been a notable effort by all those involved. I was especially impressed when the renewal notice for my trade license was actually emailed to me!
What this new town council is doing should not come as a surprise, but as an affirmation of what town councils SHOULD be doing at all times. Perhaps we felt neglected for so long by the previous council that we forgot what an effective town council looks like?
We are hopeful that the momentum this new council is working at will remain steady throughout their term. Imagine the possibilities and progress we can make if they do? With a mountain of other issues that need to be tackled we are optimistic that there will be results. Regardless of the colour a town council wears, their number one priority is to serve the people, and it seems that this council has a clear focus on their goals.
Kudos to the progress already made and we are eager to see the steps forward our council will continue to make.