This is to confirm that I am flying Mr. Rodriguez, from the Port Authority, on Wednesday, April 22nd, to inspect boats, and complete registration/re-resgistration paperwork. I will take him to the Palapa pier, at about 9:30 a.m. (assuming all goes according to plan…you might want to call me at 226-2725, or the Palapa Bar, at 226-3111, before bringing your boat).
Many have expressed interest, and we will keep him here, as long as there are boats. Mr Rodriguez cannot test for captain’s licenses (currently, you must take the written test, in Belize City, on a Monday or Tuesday…to be followed by a driving test). I am advised that he will take my expired captain’s license, back to Port Authority, for renewal, and know that several intend the same. I intend to keep a list of participants, and send a messenger to the Port authority, a few days later, to pick up our completed paperwork (thus avoiding the two hour wait, which I have endured, on multiple occasions).
I forgot to ask about the fees, but it seems to me that it was rather modest, last time. I will be paying airfare, Belize taxi, and lunch at the Palapa, along w/ a probable gratuity. Although contributions are welcome, they are not necessary, since I would be flying him over, even were no one else interested.
/s/ Pat Stiley