Dear Editor,
Several key members of the business community recently held a meeting at the Lion’s Den sometime around mid-April with respect to the attempt of the Town Council enforcing new traffic rules. It was agreed at that time that a letter should be sent from an attorney on our behalf. Please find attached to this email the copy of letter sent to the Mayor on April 25th. In the true spirit of professionalism and open dialogue, the lead group agreed not to send copies to the media.
However to our dismay and disappointment we have yet to receive any response from the Mayor or town council. This of course we consider offensive and irresponsible for the council not to have responded.
In your article of last week, the general perception given is that one company has been isolated as “ignoring” the rules and another group of companies being “mischievous” in opposing the said rules.
Henceforth, we are forwarding you a copy of the letter and we kindly request that you publish in its entirety so as to demonstrate that we have extended our hand to work along with the proposed new initiative by making sound recommendations that obviously seem to have fallen on deaf ears.
Our simple presentation is to show that the traffic woes of this town has been brought upon us by none other than this administration with the wanton proliferation of new golf cart rental companies and the reckless permits of huge dump trucks driving up and down in convoys. We firmly believe that these are the problems we have at hand and handing down the bill to the business community is totally unfair.
Our letter is straight forward, self-explanatory with real time solutions.
We still await a prompt response to a meeting at the earliest time possible from the Mayor.
Business Community
San Pedro, Ambergris Caye
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